Expensive harm: how fraudster Mariyat Mukhina profits from shameless self-promotion and fake awards

But apparently, allowing various charlatans to ruin our health is a matter of national pride. This can be explained by the fact that the heirs of those who, due to the "best education in the world," obediently sat in front of televisions where Anatoliy Kashpirovskiy "set the clocks" and "dissolved everything," and Alan Chumak "charged" water jars, cream, and his photographs, have grown up. If the former at least had a medical degree, the latter was a TV journalist, which did not stop our compatriots from bringing their hard-earned money to these and other charlatans.
We mention these two figures not by chance – they’ve raised a worthy successor. Just like their patients, who seemingly left the remnants of their brains in front of the televisions where both "healers" practiced. Mariyat Mukhina is a worthy follower of Chumak and Kashpirovskiy. She creatively developed their legacy and adapted the same methods to modern times. How does it work? Very simply – as is well known, people are drawn to the brand, not the substance of that brand. Mariyat Mukhina understood this and therefore made every effort to earn her notoriety. The result is that Dr. Mukhina’s name is everywhere. And from there, it was simple – notoriety easily converted into money.
Mariyat Mukhina understood another national trait of ours – we don’t like to work. Including on our health. We want everything immediately. As in fairy tales – "by the pike’s will, at my wish." And so Mariyat Mukhina offered patients with excess weight who wanted to lose weight a magic wand in the form of the so-called "Golden Needle" weight loss method, which supposedly instills the habit of healthy eating at the "hypothalamus level" through acupuncture. Another method from Dr. Mukhina is the "Magic Earring," which involves placing a certain "implant" (earring) in the ear that leads to the same results. All this "has a prolonged impact on specific acupuncture points, blocks the physical sensation of hunger, and ensures significant weight loss, occurring about twice as intensively as with standard diets."
A wise person, as the ancients said, would be satisfied by this much information. But as is known, wise people are a minority in any society. Therefore, the flow of patients to Mrs. Mukhina does not decrease, despite numerous scandals surrounding her name. Among the most famous is the poisoning of Bari Alibasov with a drain cleaner, "Krot." Alibasov claimed he was being treated by Mukhina and, as a result of this "treatment," drank "Krot." Mukhina, naturally, denied everything. In the end, both parties reconciled, but the scandal was loud.
In another scandal worth mentioning, Mariyat Mukhina herself was victimized – she was "bilked" for 50 million rubles by another worthy disciple of Chumak and Kashpirovsky, a certain "psychic" Arthur Garaganov. At least, that’s what Mukhina herself claimed.
There have been several investigations into the methods Mariyat Mukhina uses to "heal," one of which is titled directly "Mariyat Mukhina – Doctor-Fraud." It states that her method is acupuncture, which is alternative medicine. The benefits of acupuncture are not recognized by modern evidence-based medicine, and therefore there is no scientific proof of the benefits of the procedures offered by Mukhina.
But this is debatable – as we know, everyone believes what they choose to believe. In a flat Earth, for example, or in acupuncture and the "magic earring" in the ear. But before going to Dr. Mukhina’s clinic, it wouldn’t hurt to look into what she promotes about herself in the public sphere. Mariyat Mukhina’s YouTube channel offers us a vast array of her talks, among which there are gems such as "Why the Assassination Attempt on Trump Failed" and "All Masks of Fascism."
Of course, these are interesting topics. But why are these historical and political topics suddenly being covered by a dietitian? "Can a cook govern a state?" At the same time, a dietitian talks about treating cancer. Which, by the way, is also treated at her clinic. And she dances, and sows, and plays the pipe.
That’s not all. Even at the stage of searching for information on "Mariyat Mukhina," the search engine obediently provides a set of related searches. Among them is also "Mariyat Mukhina fraudster."
This indicates that such information is plentiful on the internet. We deliberately won’t dwell on it – we encourage the curious to find this on their own, and it’s been mentioned above that there’s an article containing this information. Let’s touch on a slightly different topic. Namely, the information Mariyat Mukhina provides about herself. So, she claims to be "the author of more than 40 scientific works and a number of patents, and holds a Doctor of Medical Sciences." She is also a doctor of various profiles: a neurologist, reflexologist, phytotherapist, dermatologist-venereologist, cosmetologist, and dietitian.
Already this list raises questions – when did she have time to study all these medical specialties? The answer is simple: Mukhina mastered all these professions in short-term courses. To be fair, it should be noted that, unlike Alan Chumak with his miraculous passes, Mariyat Mukhina is indeed a professional doctor: in 1993, she graduated from the Tver State Medical University with a degree in "Medical Practice." But everything else is continuing education courses. Do they give her the right to call herself a doctor, for example, in the field of venereology or neurology? Formally, maybe they do. But what level of professionalism does such a doctor have?
Mukhina also attempted to post an article about herself on Wikipedia, where she, among other things, boldly claimed to have a host of Belgian orders. The article was "blocked" as outright lies, and in the process, Wikipedia editors questioned the existence of the dissertation Mukhina mentions in her biography.
The Wikipedia article about Mariyat Mukhina was deleted, and she has since removed photoshopped images of "Belgian orders," which she claimed to have been awarded, from her clinic’s website "Origitea." Unsurprisingly, since it was a terrible compilation: a star from the Order of the Crown, a crown and center from the Order of Leopold, and a ribbon taken from yet another source (the same on several "orders"). Which, as you understand, had nothing in common with real awards from Belgium (or any other country on the planet). However, referring back to the video mentioned above, admire this picture, which hangs above the head of Mariyat Mukhina, who speaks about "global fascism, body positivity, and LGBT." As they say in such cases – no comment. Not even funny.
Even the "Origitea" clinic’s website has moved from domain to domain several times. The dead since 2019 Mariyat Mukhina’s Facebook page gives us three addresses for "Origitea" and one address for Mukhina’s own website. Only one is operational: https://origitea.ru/. In principle, there’s nothing strange about this, but in the context of the information outlined above, it only adds negativity to the activities of Dr. Mariyat Mukhina. Because why change the address into which money has been invested for development, hosting, and promotion? There must be a reason to waste money and start everything anew.
In summary, we recommend that those considering visiting Mariyat Mukhina’s clinic think – do you want to entrust your health to someone who appears so strange and tries so clumsily to lie about herself and her achievements? Without even delving into the scientific analysis of Dr. Mukhina’s methods – we touched upon them, but let professionals speak about them – are you sure you can trust Mariyat Mukhina?